
5 ways to speed up as slow PC

Remove unnecessary files

If you have had your PC for a while, chances are you have loads of accumulated software that you don’t really use anymore. Most of these you won’t actually ever use again. Sometimes, some of these programs can even be running in the background without you knowing. This slows down you PC.

To get rid of these programs go to the “Start” menu in the search type in “add remove” and select the add/remove program option. This gives you a complete list of the software installed on your PC. Uninstall any program that you don’t use. Be sure not to delete software that you do not know in many case these may be drivers or essential software for your PC.

Disk Cleanup:

Sometimes many files accumulate on your drives that are unusable. It is always a good idea to occasionally clean up your whole system using windows built in tools that clean up your drives. 
To do this go to the “Start” menu then go to All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Cleanup


While the name is complicated this is actually a very simple process that optimizes your hard disk through improving its efficiency by cleaning up and reorganizing memory slots. 
To do this go to start and enter defray in the search click on the item once it appears.
It may be also a good idea to download free software that defrays your PC more efficiently then the built in software in Windows.

Do your Homework:

If you want your PC to last and to treat you well you must return that favor. To do that, make sure that you continually update your PC and that you have a good antivirus installed which is updated with periodical updates.

Remove startups:

Does your PC take a long time to start up? This could be attributed to the fact that many of your installed programs run on start up some of which you may not even know about.

To do this click Start and type “Run”. A box will appear. Type into the box “msconfig”. Another box will appear, at the top click the “Startup” tab listing all the applications that run when your computer starts up.  There you may choose to enable or disable these programs.



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