
Back to School With Google Docs New Features!


Just in time for School, Google has released some great features to it Drive Suite; Google has been spending the summer break creating new tools to help you Collaborate and Save Time!

Google Docs For Android

You can now make your research right from the Docs App on your Android device. Without leaving your work, you can directly search for quotes, images and facts and add them directly to your document. No more switching apps and multitasking!

Voice Typing Feature

Another great feature that saves you some precious time, you can now record some great ideas or even compose your entire essay without even touching your keyboard! (To activate this feature, Go to Tools and select Voice Typing) and its also available on Google Docs mobile app in 40 different languages!

Revision History has gone better!

The revision history feature is a great one already, but when you open a shared document with tons of infos, its hard to even find if there are any changes made to the document, and you’ll have to go and click to see the revision history. Now Google has made it easier to see changes made while you were away! You’ll just have to click that big blue button on the top, and that’s it!

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New Templates for Docs, Sheets and Slides

A new collection of templates have been added to the Drive Suite, so you can focus on your content rather than the interface!


New Explore in Sheets

With the new Explore in Google Sheets, you now explore Charts automatically from your Desktop or Android App! Get a Glance:


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