
Gmail “Undo Send” is now an official feature!


Every one of us has experienced an email blunder at some point whether it was accidentally hitting reply to all, sending a message to the wrong person or forgetting to CC someone. Gmail originally launched the “Undo Send” feature in March 2009, but it was an experimental “Labs” feature, so few people actually knew that it exists.

Now Google has officially released this feature and can now be found in the Gmail Settings. You’ll have the option to undo a sent email after 5, 10, 20 or 30 seconds.

Gmail-Undo-Send (1)

“Previously a popular feature in Gmail Labs, and recently added to Inbox by Gmail, today we’re adding ‘Undo Send’ as a formal setting in Gmail on the web,” said Google in an announcement.

To recall a message after enabling the “Undo Send” feature, you have to click on the “Undo Send” text at the top of the Gmail website once the email is sent as shown in the picture below. Note that the “Undo Send” option will disappear even if you click on a link within Gmail before the recall time expires so use this feature with caution.

Screenshot 2015-06-24 at 8.43.28 AM


This feature is not yet available for the Gmail Mobile App, but rumor has it that Google is planning to roll out the “Undo Send” feature for the mobile app eventually.

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